Saturday, 27 September 2014

Odd things you've always wanted

Hey guys, so if you live in the UK like myself then you will know when beauty/fashion bloggers and youtubers talk about beauty products that we cant get over in the UK that look amazing or very interesting then it can be a little bit of a downer haha

One product that I've had a little bit of a thing about trying has got to be the EOS lipbalms! I think a lot of the interest has simply got to come from the little egg shape the lip balm comes in.. of course for a long time you couldn't get them in the UK but I have now found a few different places that sell them woo!

I've tried two different flavours/kinds now, the blueberry and the raspberry!

 I bought both of mine from Urban outfitters but they also sell them at Selfridges and Topshop! The actually lipbalms are pretty great! They are moisturising and great for throwing in your bag for the day ahead, just don't do a silly thing like me and put one on when you have a dark purple lipstick on.. you can imagine what happened haha  
I'm very exited to keep using these and I'm pretty sure I'll be buying and trying more in the future!  
Hope you enjoyed!
Plain Jayne x 

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