Sunday, 22 November 2015

Cosmetic Warrior

Since coming to university I have found my skin has been misbehaving. Some people may find this topic a bit TMI to talk about but I have had my far share of pimples, spots and black heads over the past few months. I can't work out if it is just stress, the new city, different water or if my i'm just going through a bad skin time.

I decided I would try Lush's 'Cosmetic Warrior' face mask which is aimed for troublesome skin. On the Lush website it is described as 'A gentle and balancing fresh face mask with antibacterial tea tree and fresh garlic working together to cleanse.' Containing fresh green grapes which help to clean the skin whilst cooling it. Also containing free range eggs to tighten it texture and antimicrobial honey which leaves the skin sot and moisturised. 

I do find it difficult to find products which are good for my skin and help clean my skin but I will hands down recommend this to anyone who has bad skin or is having a bad break out because it has done wonders for mine. I have found my skin to feel so soft after use but after a day or two it looks so much cleaner and my break outs have just about gone.

I have been using this face mask once a week for the past three weeks and I have to say I have noticed the difference in my skin. It just seems so much brighter and much cleaner. Using a face mask makes you feel so relaxed and pampered, especially after a stressful week. What girl doesn't need that every once and a while, right?

Have you tried Cosmetic Warrior?
Plain Jayne x

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