Saturday, 2 January 2016

2015 Memories

It feels like only five minutes ago that we were celebrating the new year of 2015 and now we seem to be in 2016 and I can't really understand where this past year has gone. So much has changed in this past year and I have had so many amazing memories with the people I love most in this world. so here are some of my memories of 2015.

1. Getting into university
Getting into University was one of my biggest things that happened to me this year. I decided I know longer wanted to do health and social care anymore. Fashion was my true passion and I wanted a career in this industry. I never thought it would have been possible but I got into the three universities I applied for,  Nottingham Trent being my first choice and the one I am now gladly at. 

2. Completing my diploma in health and social care
Some people many say that going to college is a easier option then going to sixform. My two years at college provided this to be very very wrong. It is one of the hardest things I've ever done and completing my diploma after two years, walking away with distinction* distinction* distinction* was amazing! College was a hard time for me and the work was very difficult but I would redo it all over over again if I could. I will never forget it or regret it for that matter. I meet one of my best friends there who I couldn't be without now. 

Blogging is something that I love and always will love but sometimes its hard to get the time or the motivation  to do it. Now I am at uni I am expected to have my blog as part of my work to help express myself and my work. I love having my own little tiny part of the internet even if no one reads it and i'm just talking rubbish. I can't wait to keep writing this year.

4. Being independent
I've always been a very independent person but moving so far away from home and from my little country life has taught me to be even more. Taking control of my money and spending. Cooking my own meals (which I did anyways) but having to figure out what i'm going to eat and if I can afford that food. just having to rely on myself. Taking care of myself when i'm ill. Washing my own clothes. Its all part of being independent and living away from home and I have to say, I have loved every minute of it! There nothing better then acting and doing things for yourself. 

5. Making new friends. 
This year I have made some of my best friends which I couldn't live without. People at university and at home. I've always had a close small group of friends and this year I have grown and meet some amazing people. 

I have to admit university isn't as sociable as I thought it would be but I have a amazing flat and some amazing girls on my course which have made a amazing first term at NTU. I can't wait to keep meeting new people and friends in my first year. 

6.Being more confident
I have definitely became more myself and more confident this year. I feel like I have really found myself this year. There is so many things I have done which I didn't think I could ever do like go on a  date with a stranger or do a big presentation on my own, even just going to university. I never thought I'd actually make it but now I don't want to be anywhere else.

7. Learning when I need 'me' time
I am someone who needs my own time. Away from everyone else to be able to think and sort my head out. This year I went on my first holiday alone, well sort of. Without my mum or my friends and it was one of the best things I have done this year. I gave me head space. Time to think and get over some of the heartbreaks in the first half of the year to then let go and move on.

I have to say, to some people it may sound like nothing but to me, 2015 has been one of the best years of my life so far. One of the hardest but one of the best. I have became myself and learnt a hell of a lot. Without everything that happened this year I wouldn't be the person I am today so I am thankful for that. I've spend the year with some of the most amazing people who I love very much and am so thankful to have in my life. I can't wait to see what 2016 has to offer! 

Lots of love
Plain Jayne x

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