The world of fashion is seen by most people as a glamorous industry. Empowered by women and men dressing the world. Behind the scene of the industry it is a very different story. One that is very upsetting and anything but glamorous for the people working within it.
Every week, we are present with a fashion film, something which gives us a closer look at the industry as fashion communicator and promotion students. A couple of weeks ago we were presentation with the documentary 'The True cost'. I personally had never heard of it before and didn't know what it entailed but as soon as it began it became very clear and I have to say, it wasn't something I would choose to watch again.
The documentary may not have been very appealing to watch but it was the reality of what some people are going through in the world who work within the fashion industry. It presents the industry from a different angle to how we know it and talks about what we wear, the people who make the clothing and the impact it has on them and the world.
It may not to be everyones knowledge but the price of clothing has been decreasing dramatically but man and environment costs have been growing. How does that work, right? The documentary shows the truth and horror of what people are living and working in to make our clothes giving us the fast fashion chain.
The film covers the lives which have been lost because of the working conditions. It featured the 2013 Bangladesh disaster of the ran plaza factory collapsing which lead to 1,000 and more workers being killed. Before the horrific disaster the workers of the factory had complained about the conditions they were working in to management, as they could all witness the cracks in the walls. Yet nothing was done about it.
Not just does the documentary talk about the lives that have been lost from people that work within the industry but also how it has and is effecting peoples lives that are still working within the industry. Some workers have had to send their children away as it could cause them harm. Some work within polluted areas which are full of pesticides and chemicals which has caused a increase in cancer and birth defects like damage to workers skin.
This documentary has changed the way in which I look at the industry. As the next generation of people stepping into the industry as fashion communicators and promotors. It will be our responsibility to help change this awful thing that is happening to people, to make this chain of production we have created.
Even with the knowledge of the 2013 Bangladesh disaster, most people still aren't aware of the problems and if they are, they choose to ignore them. Which needs to stop.
Think about the clothes you are wearing now. Where do you think they came from?
Plain Jayne x
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