Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Pre arrival activity FCP.

So as some of you many know I recently moved to university. Left my little home in Cumbria and moved my life away to Nottingham to start as a fashion communication and promotion student.

Before moving to university and starting my course we were asked to do a prearrival activity. As you can imagine, I was terrified and didn't know what the hell I was doing. I have to admit I did put off doing it but once I got my head around it and I went to my first FCP lecture I realised that it was all just your own interpretations on the topics and it was nothing to worry about. 

Our task was; 

To identify examples of what you feel are some of the best fashion communication and promotion at the moment or that has been. 
Find three examples of -

Digital examples - Blogs, Websites, twitter feeds, online marketing.
Printed examples - Magazines, brochures, look books and flyers. 
Retail examples - shop windows, visual merchandising, shop interior. 

My examples: 

Digital examples; 
Wonderful you, Beautycrush; Asos instagram

Retail examples:
Kate spade; H&m; Topshop 

Printed examples: 
Vogue, Look, Asos magazine

These were my examples and what I came up with. Everyone in the class interpreted the task differently. Some people just brought images and explained them, Some placed them on there blogs, some on paper written, others on the computer. There was no right or wrong answer and I loved seeing what other people had created and came up with. 

Hope you enjoyed 
Plain Jayne x 

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