Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Weekend at home

This weekend I decided to come home for the weekend. A few of my flatmates were going home and others had friends and family coming up so I decided to come home for the first time (Although its only been two weeks).

I was pretty nervous about going home. How different would it feel. Would I love it being back, would it maybe make me not want to come back or even then, hating it back in cumbria. I have to say its been a bit of both. I still love my home but its made me love university even more and where I live. 

When I was at home I kept on referring to nottingham as my home rather then Cumbria (which I did get some funny looks for I won't lie) 

I've always known cumbria wasn't the most exiting of places but once you experience that new exiting city I swear it becomes even worse. I loved seeing my friends and family of course but the place did nothing for me anymore. 

When I say I am from cumbria people always say 'awww you must love it there, so much to do' but my answer is normally more not really. If your a person who loves adventure then yeah sure but for me I love different cultures, fashion, beauty and a city life style, which you just don't get in a place like cumbria. Not at my age anyways.

I am now back in the city Nottingham. Back into my lectures (Today we were working on Pinterest and creating professional boards, how cool!)

Hope you enjoyed
Plain Jayne x

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